Is It A Good Time To Buy A Home, During The COVID-19

Is It A Good Time To Buy A Home, During The COVID-19

In COVID-19 pandemic situation, the people who are looking to buy a house for self-use or investment, must be confused about purchasing a home or worried about the home they have already purchased.  For those who are willing to buy new home, the opportunity has shown up in this COVID time. For better understanding we have come up with the helpful FAQs that will clear your confusion and flush out you worries.


Q1. Is COVID time a good time to buy a home or invest in a property?

A. Real estate is a no doubt the strongest and robust asset class for investment! And in this volatile situation it is indeed a good opportunity to invest or buy a property. Real estate is not like a trade market where prices never go up 10% in morning but definitely fall down 20% in the evening. Real estate has historically been holding increment graph of price and from last ten years it has grown 9.5 times.
And as in this pandemic situation there is a drop in interest rate so it is the most affordable to buy a home right now! With same EMI you can get higher loan eligibility to buy property.

Q2. I live on rent. And life is pretty much good. Why should I invest in real estate and that too in COVID-19?

A. Opportunities never come knocking on your door every time. However, when they do come, you got to be ready to grab them quickly yet easily. The aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic situation has established the fact that owning an apartment is way better than dealing with the uncertainties of living in rented accommodation.

Q3. Investment in stock market vs investment in real estate. What is better in COVID-19?

A. Most of the people are now realizing the importance of having real estate, as an asset class in their investment basket. It is a more reliable option offering steady returns compared to the highly volatile stock market that comes with heightened risks. Interestingly COVID-19 pandemic has brought recession which has decreased the home loan interest rate. So this is the best time to apply for loan and invest in real estate.

Q4. In COVID-19 pandemic situation which developer should I trust and approach for my investment?

A. It is really important to approach the developer who is capable enough to ramp up construction quickly post lockdown. You need a developer who is large enough to stand strong in current storm and deliver the project without long delay. The developer who has a great track of delivering the projects on time without compromising in quality.
Kaumudi Builders and Developers is the only name in Ratnagiri on which everyone should trust as it has the reputation of delivering each of its projects ahead of schedule.
Of course your trust as well as patience are and will always be the great support for us.

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